Thursday, July 28, 2011

I want my gamepad

Am I just old and grumpy because my number one game feature request for iOS is support for the full HID Bluetooth profile, i.e mouse and gamepad?

I understand and appreciate the idea of new innovative input schemes for games, but since I mostly play shooters it really annoys me when I don't get the same level of precision I'm used to. I use my Flings whenever possible, but not many games allows for free positioning of every input element. And not all games support two virtual joysticks.

Having mouse/gamepad support would also enable me to play as I'm used to; in my comfy sofa with the iPad connected to my big screen...

I can honestly see my iPad replace my consoles IF it would let me play the way I want. Fidelity wise I'm happy since I always prefer gameplay and feel to high poly count and post fx.
The same reasons apply to the Wii. I almost "never" use my Wii even though there are so many great IP's. When I do it's with my classic controller ;)

Oh well. I guess I'll stick with my "old" consoles for now ;) I just think it's a shame that developers are blocked out from using a mouse or gamepad.