Saturday, August 11, 2012

iCade and beyond


This post is dedicated to Ben Heck as he inspired me to actually start the project :)

If you follow me on Twitter or have read my blog before, you know I miss proper gamepad support for iOS devices for various reasons. I want to point out that I don't think touch is a bad idea. It all depends on the context. A gamepad is great when using a device in the context of a console.
Anyway, as a natural result of my interest I keep myself updated with available pad solutions. One of my favourites is the iCade system and when I looked at Ben Heck's episode about rebuilding an iCade to an iPhone strap-on I decided to build my own iCade compatible gamepad by looting parts from other devices. It was also the perfect opportunity to do some micro controller coding! Making my gamepad iCade compatible also meant I had lots of games to test with and could concentrate on the pad alone.

iOS and external input

One way that iOS supports external input is in the form of bluetooth keyboards. The iCade appears as a bluetooth keyboard to iOS devices and sends characters representing the stick movement and button presses. 

Normally (when using keyboards for game input) there's a "getKeyboardState" function giving you the state of all keys on the keyboard; which are pressed and which aren't. iOS uses an event based system by calling an "insertText" function when keys are pressed but give no hints on when keys are released. To work around this iCade sends one character when a button is pressed and another character when the button is released. A super simple system that is easy to implement and parse but also works nicely with various emulators. More information about the iCade way can be found in the iCade Developers Resource.

As I wanted my gamepad to appear as a bluetooth keyboard, I bought the cheapest bluetooth keyboard I could find at my local dealer for about 20€ and started looting it on its bluetooth module.

Once I found the bluetooth module, I soldered some wires to the keyboard matrix connectors so that I could mount it to my breadboard and start communicate with it.


The microcontroller is used to make all the logic decisions such as reading input and send characters using the bluetooth module. My choice of microcontroller is an Arduino Nano (ATmega 328: 16MHz, 32K Flash, 2K SRAM, 1K EEPROM) with 8 analog inputs, 14 digital input (6 can be output). Programs (sketches) are coded with a small subset of C/C++ and are compiled with avr-gcc. Least but not last it comes with an IDE ready to rock :)


For my first version of the project I used a thumbstick similar to the ones found in console gamepads together with tactile buttons I purchased from my local electronics store and mounted on my breadboard. It was great for initial development but sucked from a gameplay perspective as a breadboard isn't exactly ergonomically correct ;) My initial thought was to use one of my xbox controllers and solder wires to the connectors, but luckily I discovered that the Wii Classic Controller uses I2C which made it the perfect candidate for the Arduino as it comes with I2C support through its Wire package! If you're not familiar with I2C and don't want to read the wikipedia page, I2C is a serial interface allowing slave devices (such as the Wii nunchuck or classic controller) to communicate with a master device (such as the Wiimote) using only 2 wires. Very microcontroller input port friendly as it allows all buttons and sticks to be interfaced using only two input ports.

Recreating the matrix

Since keyboards contains a lot of keys it would be cumbersome if every key needed its own wire to trigger input as that would lead to a lot of wires. Instead keyboards use a keyboard matrix which essentially is a grid of wires organised into columns and rows. When a key is pressed a column and row is short circuited generating a key stroke.

Let's assume we have a 61-key keyboard. With a grid of 8 rows by 8 columns we can address all keys. 
In our case of the iCade it has 12 buttons that requires 24 unique characters but we only have 6 outputs on the Arduino. We also need to short circuit the rows and columns on the bluetooth module to generate a key stroke (just as the original keyboard did). What components could we use to accomplish this?

IC 4051 to the rescue!
The 4051 is a circuit that can be used as a demultiplexer (demux) which can be seen as a dynamic switch. It is capable of addressing 8 lines using 3 input ports which is kind of perfect looking at the 6 available outputs on the Arduino. By using two circuits (one for the rows and one for the columns) we are able to recreate a big portion of the keyboard matrix allowing us to send a lot of characters. The actual short circuiting is accomplished by a nice feature of the 4051: the common I/O port. By connecting the two 4051:s together through their common I/O ports, when one line on each circuit is opened, the result is a closed circuit. 

Connecting it all together

After putting all the hardware on a breadboard I ended up with this:

Not exactly the form factor worthy an iOS device but it works ;)
The logical view is something like this:

The actual code is dead simple. Read input from the Wii controller and send characters by opening the  lines on the 4051:s. To interface with the Wii Classic Controller I used the WiiClassicController library from Arduino Playground as a starting point. Some example code below used to send a character.

void sendKeyboardKey(const char ch)
  int col = getPinForColMatrix(ch);
  int row = getPinForRowMatrix(ch);
  if ((col & 0x01) != 0)
    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
  if ((col & 0x02) != 0)
    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
  if ((col & 0x04) != 0)
    digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
  if ((row & 0x01) != 0)
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
  if ((row & 0x02) != 0)
    digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
  if ((row & 0x04) != 0)
    digitalWrite(9, HIGH);    

Below is a small video showing the gamepad in action. The game being used in the demo is Neoteria by Orange Pixel. It's a great game! It's just me not being any good at it. Yet :)


It's been a really fun project to do, but the current implementation suffers from two major drawbacks:
  • The iCade setup only support digital inputs limiting its use
  • My setup suffers from input latency as the matrix needs to be short circuited for ~4ms to issue a key stroke. It gets apparent when multiple buttons are pressed at once.
Both issues will be addressed in a separate blog post. I'm waiting for some circuits to arrive :)

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